a glass of Yin and Yang

Posts Tagged ‘Full’

Challenging my glass of Yin and Yang

In Destiny, Experience, Religion on November 7, 2010 at 6:59 pm

It’s been a really challenging week.  I’m being challenged with my beliefs of the glass half full.  One of my friends, age 74, came home after driving himself, and crashed into every wall in the house.  He grumbled at me and went into his bedroom.  I tried very hard to get him in there without hurting himself but I think his evil twin came out and all he could do was yell, just leave me alone, I need to sleep.

Being the “I follow request to a T” kind of person, I left him alone.  He would come out of his room and crash his way to the bathroom, slam the door, because of course I jumped up to try and help, in my face, and threw up.  Then he would crash back to his room and go back to sleep.  This went on for about 4 hours.  What do you do when someone yells, “NO, DON’T CALL 911, I’LL BE FINE.”  You don’t listen after four hours.

Needless to say, we had every emergency vehicle in the driveway.  Which, stepping aside for a minute, I’m not too happy with him because he picked that day to get sick.  A bunch of us had gone out the night before and we were all suffering from morning after “what the heck was I thinking”.  That’s why I was at his house, we all slept over.  I had no make-up, no change of clothes, no shower.  I’ll stop there you must have gotten the picture by now.

Back to the driveway.  Every gorgeous man in the world got out of those vehicles.  It must be a pre-requisite to look like that when you join the fire department.  Sad for me, they rushed in and asked how I was feeling.  Not me, him.  Off to the hospital.  After hours of waiting and testing in the emergency, he was admitted to the stroke ward.  He had two strokes, and they found out he had a hole in his heart.  (one out of every five people have this condition and the only way you can know is by having a stroke, unless you ask the doctor for a special test.)

Three days later they released him and I took him home.  He has to give himself shots in his stomach daily and take a bunch of medication.  He must take his blood pressure medicine which he was not doing.  Please people, take your BP medicine.

So the half/full, Yin/Yang of this situation has to be that nothing was damaged and he found out he has this condition.  Thank God he is still around to talk about it.

Hello world!

In Destiny, Experience, Inevitable, Manage, Mind, Religion on October 30, 2010 at 10:00 pm

A Glass Half Full of Yin and Yang

I guess first impressions count here too, so here I go.  I’m a mother of three, and a grandmother of many.  I’m supposed to know everything, even more than a mother, and have so many words of wisdom.  I’m supposed to give my opinion, but don’t bud in.  Supposed to guide my children in the right direction, but don’t tell them anything.  Stop fights between siblings, while not taking sides.   Take care of many financially, but don’t leave the house to get a job.  Be in two places at one time, but give all my attention to the one place I am.  Wear my super hero cape, but not take it off to wash it.  And there you have me in a paragraph.

So many thoughts are streaming into my mind of what this blog should be about that I’m trying to corral them into one direction.  But the world is so crazy right now and everything is negative that I figured I should at least try to give back some positive thinking into the karma of the world.  So here we go, off to see the wizard on my own yellow brick road.