a glass of Yin and Yang

Archive for March, 2020|Monthly archive page

What the heck

In Uncategorized on March 18, 2020 at 8:35 pm

Never in my life would I have believed we would be in this situation.  No food on shelves, no toilet paper, paper towels, sanitizers, soap, baby wipes, etc.  But here it is right in front of us.  How do you explain this to a 11 year old?  How do you explain this to a 62 year old.

Here’s my thought.  The food will be back on the shelves soon because everyone has stocked up and they now have plenty in their garages.  Also people don’t have enough money to keep going to the stores just to purchase stuff they think they will need.  There has to be a rainbow’s end soon.  Until then, it’s great to really have an excuse to stay home and catch up on all kinds of stuff.  As you can see, my WordPress has really been ignored.  I’m back. Maybe.